Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan dan Strategi Persiapan Wisma Atlet Jakabaring Sport City Palembang


  • Mustika Permatasari Poltekpar Palembang
  • Andhika Chandra Lesmana Poltekpar Palembang



Sports tourism has become a very important element in the world of tourism because it has become a very competitive tourism business. The success of holding the 2019 MXGP world championship in early July 2019 made the city of Palembang again trusted to host an international sporting event, namely the 55th Qubica AMF Bowling World Cup. One of the supporting factors in the implementation of the event is the availability of hotels/lodging as a means of residence for participants and officials. This study aims to determine the quality of service and the readiness strategy of Wisma Atlet Jakabaring Sport City Palembangto support the successful implementation of the 2019 CUP Bowling Event. The method used in this study is the Mix Method, with data collection techniques in the form of observation, documentation studies, questionnaires, and interviews. . The results of the study stated that the qualitative analysis of the readiness of the completeness of the facilities and infrastructure was said to be sufficient, and based on its function, although maintenance had to be carried out again, it could still be said to be good, and for quantitative analysis it was known that the highest dimension was the Empathy dimension with a value of 3.00. and the lowest in the Tangible dimension of 2.87, with an average value of 2.97, the preparation of the Jakabaring Palembang Sport City Athlete House is in the Enough category.


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