Kualitas Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Berbasis Kinerja Guru - Survey di SMK Kecamatan Lembang


  • Imas Komariyah STIE Miftahul Huda Subang
  • Dadang Kusnandang SMK Putra Nasional Lembang
  • Yayat Sudrajat STIE Miftahul Huda Subang




Teacher Performance, Quality of Education and Teaching, SMK Lembang District


Vocational High School (SMK), being part of an integrated school in the national education system, SMK aims to prepare skilled and ready-to-work graduates. The research was conducted at SMK Lembang Subdistrict, the purpose of this study is to determine, study and analyze teacher performance and the quality of education and teaching, and the magnitude of the influence of partial and simultaneous teacher performance on teacher performance. The research methods used are descriptive surveys and explanatory surveys. Descriptive research is research that aims to obtain a description of the characteristics of teacher performance variables and the quality of education and teaching at SMK Lembang District, while verificative research is research that wants to test the truth of a hypothesis carried out through data collection in the field, in the study will test teacher performance and the quality of education and teaching. The results of the study descriptively showed the condition of teacher performance within the criteria was good, and the quality of education and teaching was in good criteria, and the results of the study verificative showed that teacher performance had a positive and significant influence partially and simultaneously on the quality of education and teaching with an R2 (R Square) value of 0.744 or 74.4% with a value outside the model of 0.255 or 25.5%.


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