Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan dan Atraksi Wisata Terhadap Kepuasan Pengunjung di Desa Wisata Alamendah


  • Annisa Fitri Alyani Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pariwisata YAPARI
  • Khoirul Fajri Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pariwisata YAPARI
  • Anti Riyanti Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pariwisata YAPARI



service quality, Tourist Attractions, Visitor Satisfaction, Desa Wisata Alamendah


This research aimed to determine the effect of service quality and tourist attractions on customer satisfaction in the Alamendah tourism village. The method used in this research is a quantitative method with descriptive analysis and verification analysis, by distributing questionnaires to 100 tourists. The results of the instrument test show that all statements are valid because the value is above 0.300 and reliable because the value is above 0.700. Descriptive research shows that service quality has an average result of 3.31, tourist attractions have a 3.27 result and customer satisfaction has a 3.26 result. While the results of the verification show a coefficient of determination of 0.941 or 94%, the remaining 5,9% which is a variable that has not been studied. The test results show a significant influence between service quality variables on visitor satisfaction of 0.00 ? 0.05 and tourist attraction variables of 0.00 0.05 with a simultaneous significance of 0.00 ? 0.05, meaning the quality of service and attractions tourism has a strong and significant influence, either partially or simultaneously.


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